mardi, 18 février 2025
AccueilA la uneResilient and sustainable development: AFD finances 55 projects in Cameroon for a...

Resilient and sustainable development: AFD finances 55 projects in Cameroon for a total of CFAF 919 billion from 2016 to 2022

(EcoFinances) – The French Development Agency (AFD), which helps to implement France’s development and international solidarity policy, is currently financing 55 projects in Cameroon for a total of 1.4 billion euros (919 billion CFA francs) over the period from 2016 to 2022, according to the AFD Group’s 2022 activity report for Central Africa.

This large envelope represents up to 50% of the Agency’s total commitments (€2.8 billion) in the region during the period under review. Cameroon is directly followed by Congo-Brazzaville (18%), the DRC and Gabon (12% each), while the CAR (7%) comes full circle. Agriculture, public policy, infrastructure and urban development are the main sectors to which AFD’s financing is directed.

In 2022 alone, AFD’s total commitments in Cameroon amounted to 198.1 million euros, of which 157 million euros (CFAF 103 billion) will be fully disbursed. « In 2022, AFD supported the country through large-scale infrastructure projects such as the Regional Capitals program which aims to modernize five secondary towns, as well as food security projects through the deployment of a range of services adapted to rural entrepreneurs, particularly in northern Cameroon », the report states.

But it is worth pointing out that of the CFAF 919 billion committed by the Agency to 55 projects in the country from 2016 to 2022, there is still €541.5 million (CFAF 355.1 billion) that have not yet been disbursed to the target projects.



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