mardi, 18 février 2025
AccueilA la uneBanking-Finance: Why Koné Dossongui's Atlantic Group is changing the name and visual...

Banking-Finance: Why Koné Dossongui’s Atlantic Group is changing the name and visual identity of its financial division

According to a press release published in the last few days, the recent roll-out of the group's modernisation and digital transformation programme has forced it to change the name and visual identity of its financial division, in order to continue to meet the demands of the modern banking market and improve the customer experience.

(EcoFinances) – Atlantic Group, the financial holding company of Ivorian billionaire Bernard Koné Dossongui, will be changing the name and visual identity of its financial division in the next few days, according to a press release published in recent days by the financial group and signed by the vice-president of the group’s financial division, Léon Konan Koffi.

« Following its modernisation and digital transformation programme, Atlantic Group is announcing the forthcoming change of name and visual identity of its financial division, in order to continue to respond optimally to the requirements of the modern banking market and significantly improve the experience of its customers, » the document states.

The Ivorian businessman’s financial holding company also states that the culmination of this major overhaul will be the forthcoming change in the corporate names of its subsidiaries, as well as the nomenclature and visibility elements that characterise them today.

Ivorian businessman Bernard Koné Dossongui, owner of Atlantic Group.

« Atlantic Group’s new banking and insurance subsidiaries will be identified respectively by the name AFG Bank for subsidiaries in the Banking division, and AFG Assur for those in the Insurance division », says Léon Konan Koffi, adding that the rebranding campaign will begin with the launching of the brand new subsidiary in the Indian Ocean: AFG Bank Madagascar.

Existing subsidiaries will then follow in the wake of these name changes. This will be done as and when the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to each national context have been met. For the Vice-Chairman of the Group’s Financial Division, « this new visual identity is therefore a tangible expression of the ongoing transformation of our Group and its commitment to being ever more modern, innovative and customer-focused ».

As a reminder, Atlantic Group, which boasts of more than 40 years of uninterrupted banking operations and a strong presence embodied by subsidiaries now established in Central Africa, West Africa and the Indian Ocean, in addition to the financial sector (banking and insurance),  is also active in agriculture (rubber, oil palm and citrus plantations), agro-industry (cocoa processing), industry (cement and flour mills), and hotels and telecommunications.

The holding company is positioning itself as a pan-African financial partner of choice « increasing the financial inclusion of African populations on the continent and throughout the world ».



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