lundi, 03 mars 2025
AccueilA la uneBanana sector: Exports by PHP, CDC and BOH Plantations soar again in...

Banana sector: Exports by PHP, CDC and BOH Plantations soar again in August 2023, after a serious slump last July

These three companies exported 13,815 tons of bananas abroad in August. This is considerably more than the 11,764 tons of bananas exported in July. A further 2,051 tons (+17.4%) were shipped abroad in August 2023.

(EcoFinances) – Banana exports by the companies Plantations du Haut Penja (PHP), Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) and Boh Plantations Plcs (BPL) recorded a significant increase in August 2023, after the drastic fall suffered in July. These are the figures for Cameroon’s banana exports in August, published on 04 September 2023 by the Cameroon Banana Association (Assobacam).

These three companies exported 13,815 tons of bananas abroad in August. This is considerably more than the 11,764 tons of bananas exported in July. A further 2,051 tons (+17.4%) were shipped abroad in August.

In detail, the body responsible for representing and defending the interests of producers vis-à-vis third parties and national and foreign public authorities tells us that PHP, as usual, exported more bananas than the other two players in the banana sector. By exporting up to 9996 tons in August 2023, it maintained a significant lead over its competitors, whose total exports for the same month did not reach 4000 tons (2795 tons for CDC and 1024 tons for Boh Plantations).

Compared with July, PHP’s exports rose by 14.7% (+1282 tons), from 8714 t to 9996 t in August 2023. The same applies to CDC, the country’s 2nd largest company (in terms of employment), whose exports during the month reached 2,795 tons, compared to 2,035 tons last July. 760 tons more (+37.3%) were added to its banana exports, compared to the previous month. The same growth trend was observed at BPL, where exports rose by 09 tons (+0.8%) in August.

On analysis, this improvement should help to offset the decline recorded between January and July 2023. Especially if it continues, as is often the case in the last five months of the year. It will be recalled that during the first 7 months of the current financial year, exports by these three companies unfortunately fell by 12.9% due to a number of factors. These included the high cost of inputs on international markets, coupled with the adverse effects of climate change.



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