lundi, 03 mars 2025
AccueilA la uneAccess to electricity: ENEO Cameroon connects more than 200,000 households and businesses...

Access to electricity: ENEO Cameroon connects more than 200,000 households and businesses to the electricity network in one year, thanks to its online agency, which now receives more requests than in the past

In January 2023, 8300 new connections were made, compared with 7500 in January 2022. This increase in access to electricity has been boosted by an improvement in the level of activity of ENEO's online branch, which manages online connection quotes and is better organised.

(EcoFinances) – More than 200,000 new households and businesses have been connected to the country’s electricity network in the space of a year, according to ENEO Cameroon, the concessionaire responsible for the production and distribution of electricity in Cameroon, which recently published its quarterly information bulletin on the electricity service for its shareholders.

The number of the company’s customers rose from 1,715,093 households and businesses at the end of January 2022 to 1,925,667 households and businesses at the end of January 2023, an increase of 210,574 customers to be precise.

This significant increase in the number of households and businesses connected to the electricity network in one year is explained, we learn, by the growing demand for its online branch and better organisation. « Specifically, in January 2023, 8,300 new connections were made, compared with 7,500 in January 2022. This increase in access to electricity has been boosted by an improvement in the level of activity of ENEO’s online agency, in terms of the management of online connection quotes and better organisation (…) ENEO’s online agency is registering many more requests than in the past, and is processing them at a much faster rate, » explains the company in its newsletter published on 28 April.

Performance improvement plan

To enable the online agency to reach this level of demand and performance, the company has recently implemented a plan to improve the team’s performance: strengthening the application (it is more available); increasing the number of agents in charge of processing applications; and stepping up the communication campaign, which not only explains the benefits of the solution, but also educates customers on how to apply and agents on how to follow up.

According to ENEO Cameroon, the take-up of the online connection process is such that requests via the online agency (now compulsory in Douala and Yaoundé) have increased considerably. « Similarly, estimates produced by the online agency for the benefit of customers grew by 958% between January and November 2022 in Yaoundé alone, » it adds.

But beyond the improved operation of the online agency, the approach to the execution of connections is, we learn, encouraging. « A programme to speed up the time taken to complete connections in the field is being implemented, with the challenge of completing connections on the same day as the quote is paid, or no more than 24 hours later, » says the company.



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