jeudi, 17 octobre 2024
AccueilA la uneBusiness relationship: Congelcam CEO Sylvestre Ngouchinghe does not recognise the FCFA 200...

Business relationship: Congelcam CEO Sylvestre Ngouchinghe does not recognise the FCFA 200 million « debt » Samuel Eto’o Fils allegedly owed him

In a press release published on Monday 28 August 2023, Fidèle Djoumbissie, legal counsel for the Cameroonian businessman involved in the import and distribution of fish, explained that the current president of Fecafoot does not owe the businessman any money, as rumour has it.

(EcoFinances) – The president of the Cameroon Football Federation (Fecafoot), former Indomitable Lions and former international football star Samuel Eto’o Fils, does not owe the sum of FCFA 200 million to the CEO of Congelcam, as rumours have been circulating on social networks in recent days. This is according to Barrister  Fidèle Djoumbissie, legal counsel of Honourable Syvestre Ngouchinghe, CEO of Congelcam, who issued a statement on Monday 28 August 2023 to dispel the rumour. It has been revealed that the information is inaccurate, and that only the authors and their followers know the ins and outs.

« For several days now, social networks have been circulating information produced by Boris Bertold claiming that Mr Samuel Eto’o Fils owes a debt of 200,000,000 CFA francs (two hundred million CFA francs) to the economic operator,  Honourable Sylvestre Ngouchinghe. This information has been widely reported. It is an inaccurate information that the author and his followers are disseminating for purposes known only to them », stresses Barrister Djoumbissie.

According to the lawyer , Samuel Eto’o has never taken out a loan from  Honourable Syvestre Ngouchinghe, CEO of Congelcam, and no business relationship exists between the two men. « I would like to inform you that there is no business relationship between  Honourable Sylvestre Ngouchinghe and Samuel Eto’o Fils. One is an undisputed leader in football and the other an economic operator of proven reputation and public renown, » he said, adding that the national public arena needs real information, not fake news.

This is not the first time that the president of Fecafoot, Samuel Eto’o Fils, is victim of a rumour cleverly orchestrated by secret organisations with the aim of tarnishing his image or destabilising him. In November 2017, for example, he was the victim of a crazy rumour indicating that he had given money to each migrant repatriated from Libya, forcing SEF to react on its platforms on social networks, because the rumour was unfounded.



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