jeudi, 17 octobre 2024
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Business: Société Générale Cameroun rewards merit by awarding medals of honour for work to its employees

A total of 266 medals (gold, vermeil and silver) were pinned on the chests of the bank's employees during a solemn ceremony presided over in Douala on 21 July by the Minister of Labour and Social Security (Mintss), Grégoire Owona.

(EcoFinances) – The employees of Société Générale Cameroun (SGC), who have been working tirelessly for several years to improve the performance of their company, saw their efforts rewarded during a solemn ceremony to award medals of honour for work presided over on 21 July 2023 at the Best Western Hotel in Douala by the Minister of Labour and Social Security (Mintss), Grégoire Owona.

The lucky recipients were decorated by the head of social dialogue in Cameroon, in the presence of SGC CEO Sterghios Dassarecos and members of the Management Committee. « From gold to silver to vermeil, a total of 266 medals, symbolising different years of service, were awarded to the recipients of the 2020 and 2022 editions, in recognition of their dedication and their contribution to the growth of our institution, which has been present in Cameroon for 60 years », explained a senior executive of the bank.

At Société Générale Cameroun, a job well done is always rewarded, as was the case on 21 July 2023 in Douala.

Rewarding loyal and professional workers

Speaking at the event, Sterghios Dassarecos, CEO of Société Générale Cameroun, stressed the importance of rewarding loyal and professional employees. Those who « have devoted several years of their lives to their profession with commitment ». These words were reiterated by SGC’s Human Resources Director, Aboubakar Chibou, who also congratulated and encouraged the recipients to share their knowledge and expertise with their colleagues. This will help to foster a culture of team spirit and skill-sharing in line with the bank’s values.

In detail, the medals pinned on the chests of SGC staff on 21 July reward length of service in the private sector. While the gold medal is awarded for 25 years’ service, the vermeil medal is awarded for 15 years’ service. The silver medal, on the other hand, is awarded for 10 years’ service in the private sector.



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